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常见问题 - 人蛋白质组芯片相关


HuProt Applications

HuProt 应用


Q: What types of studies can I conduct using the HuProt array?

A: The HuProt array and subsets of the HuProt have been used successfully in a range of applications, which include:

Serum profiling (Hu C et al. 2015)

Antibody cross-reactivity testing (Venkataraman A et al. 2018)

Protein-protein interaction (Deng RP et al. 2014)

DNA-protein interaction (Hu S et al. 2009)

RNA-protein interaction (Barry G et al. 2014)

Post-translational modification (Cox et al. 2015)




血清分析(Hu C et al. 2015

抗体交叉反应测试(Venkataraman A et al. 2018

蛋白质-蛋白质相互作用(Deng RP et al. 2014

DNA-蛋白质相互作用(Hu S et al. 2009

RNA-蛋白质相互作用(Barry G et al. 2014

翻译后修饰(Cox et al. 2015



HuProt Storage, Stability, and Documentation

HuProt 存储、稳定性和文档


Q: What is the expected shelf life of the HuProt arrays? How should they be stored, and how are they shipped?

A: If the HuProt arrays are properly stored at -80˚C, the arrays have a shelf life of at least 6 months for most applications. For serum profiling, the arrays are good for at least one year after the date of manufacture.





Q: Are the arrays labile, and how is that measured?

A: The proteins printed on the arrays are very stable if the arrays are stored at -80˚C. We have performed studies using arrays that are 24 months old and still observed significant binding signals.





Q: Are HuProt arrays CGMP (Current Good Manufacturing Practice) compliant?

A: HuProt arrays are used primarily as for in vitro research and are not CGMP compliant.





Q: What is the maximum order volume per month? How long is the shipping/delivery time after receiving the order?

A: Please contact us – we will be happy to discuss your inventory needs with you.






HuProt Shipping

HuProt 运输


Q: How are the HuProt arrays shipped?

A: HuProt arrays are placed in plastic slide mailers, which are in turn securely boxed and shipped on dry ice.






HuProt Content

HuProt 内容


Q: Where can I find the full range of proteins on the HuProt array?

A: For the full list of proteins by name and category please visit the resources section above.





Q: How are the full-length proteins attached to the glass surface of the arrays?

A: Standard HuProt arrays are printed on nitrocelluose coated PATH™ slides.  Other surfaces may be available, depending on your needs. Please contact us to discuss.





Q: Is new content added to the HuProt array on a regular basis (e.g. every 6 months)

A: We periodically add new proteins to the array when new full-length cDNA clones are made available.





Q: Are all proteins printed in equal amounts on the HuProt arrays? Are proteins that are normally abundant in the cell normalized to levels similar to the less abundant?

A: At present, the amount of protein on the array at present is not normalized, and varies depending on the protein level expressed in yeast prior to purification. In some rare cases, the protein levels may be low if the expressed protein is toxic to the yeast cells.





Q: Are membrane proteins represented on the array? If so, is there some detergent present?

A: The HuProt array contains thousands of membrane proteins. The protein printed on the arrays is eluted using a buffer that contains 0.03% TritonX-100.



答:HuProt芯片包含数千种膜蛋白,点制在芯片上的蛋白质是用0.03% TritonX-100缓冲液洗脱。


Q: The array is spotted with full-length protein containing GST tags. Does that affect the conformation of proteins with transmembrane domains?

A: We extensively evaluated the folding of many non-membrane proteins on the HuProt array. However, we did not perform detailed analysis on the folding of membrane proteins.





Q: Have the arrays been tested for pH , tolerance? For example, I am interested in studying post-translational modifications, which work best at a higher pH > 8.0.

A: All our proteins were eluted in buffer of pH 8.0–pH8.5 and should work well for studies of post-translational modifications.


问:芯片是否经过了pH耐受性测试?例如,我对翻译后修饰研究感兴趣,这种修饰在pH >8.0时效果较好。

答:所有的蛋白质都在pH 8.0–8.5的缓冲液中洗脱,应该可以适合于翻译后修饰的研究。


Q: Have different buffers been tested on the HuProt array?

A: Our arrays have been used successfully in a range of different buffers to study serum profiling, protein binding, DNA binding, RNA binding, kinase assay, acetylation, SUMOylation/ubiquitinylation, etc. Please contact us to discuss specifics regarding your assay and buffer.


问:是否在 HuProt 芯片上测试过不同的缓冲液?



Q: I am new to protein array work. Are slides with just the control spots available for pre-testing and practice? It would be nice to also practice scanning before using actual HuProt arrays.

A: While we currently don’t offer test arrays that contain just controls spots, these are under development. You may practice the steps in your assay with a standard glass microscope prior to using the HuProt arrays. Regarding scanning, the GenePix Pro software has an “auto-PMT” function.



答:我们目前不提供仅包含对照点的测试芯片,这些正在开发中。在使用HuProt芯片之前,您可以用标准的显微镜载玻片做练习。关于扫描,GenePix Pro软件具有“自动 PMT”功能。


Q: Can the HuProt Arrays be stripped and re-used? I don’t require active proteins for my study.

A: At CDI we do not strip or reuse HuProt arrays. If you wish to test your sample against inactive proteins, however, you are welcome to try stripping the array.





Q: I would like CDI to add some proteins that are not printed on the HuProt array to my order. How much protein should I send to CDI Labs?

A: Please send at least 10 μl of protein–the protein must have a concentration of at least 300ng/μl. We will dilute the protein to 150 ng/μl in printing buffer and then print it on the HuProt arrays ordered. An additional fee will be charged for this service. Please allow additional time for these customized arrays to be shipped to you.



答:请提供至少10 μL的蛋白质该蛋白质的浓度至少为300 ng/μL。我们将在点样缓冲液中将蛋白质稀释至150 ng/μL,然后将其点制在定制的HuProt芯片上。此项服务将收取额外费用,请留出更多时间将这些定制芯片寄给您。


Q: Approximately how much of each protein is spotted on the HuProt microarray?

A: Other than controls, the HuProt library is expressed, purified, and spotted ‘as-is’ – meaning we do not know the specific concentration of most proteins printed. Parent protein aliquots are known to range from 0.001-2.5 mg/mL in concentration, with an average of 0.15 mg/mL. Each protein aliquot is printed in duplicate with 100 picoliters (pL) volume per protein spot.



答:除了对照,HuProt的蛋白质按原样表达、纯化和点制——即我们不知道点制蛋白质的具体浓度。已知蛋白质母液的浓度范围为0.001-2.5 mg/mL,平均为 0.15 mg/mL。每个蛋白质点被重复点制在芯片上,每个蛋白质点的体积为100皮升(pL)。



HuProt Production and Quality Control

HuProt 的生产和质量控制


Q: What kind of QC is done on the HuProt array by CDI? Is a QC report for production available?

A: Each batch of HuProt arrays must pass rigorous QC requirements, and comes with a certificate of analysis.





Q: What QC methods are used to determine good/passing protein printing on the arrays?

A: To meet CDI Labs QC standards, >95% of the spots must generate GST signals with a foreground/background ratio >1.5.



答:CDI LabsQC标准是>95%的样品点必须生成前景/背景比率>1.5GST信号。


Q: Can you tell me more about the variability within a specific lot of HuProt arrays?

A: Our QC protocol includes sampling at specific points across each print run, to ensure that quality is consistent throughout each printed batch.






HuProt Array Controls



Q: What control spots are printed on HuProt slides?

A: The HuProt array contains 16 landmarks, including fluorophores, as follows:

      H1 – Histone H1

      H2 (A+B) – Histone H2A and H2B mixture

      H3 – Histone H3

      H4 – Histone H4 (all the histones are non-specific binding proteins, used as positive controls for a variety of assays.)

      IgG488/594 – Alexa Fluor 488/594 labeled IgG, positive control and landmarks for fluorescent detection in 488/594 channels.

      IgG555/647 – Alexa Fluor 555/647 labeled IgG, positive control and landmarks for fluorescent detection in 532/635 channels.

      GST10n – glutathione S-transferase at 10 ng/μl

      GST50n – GST at 50 ng/μl

      GST100n – GST at 100 ng/μl

      GST200n – GST at 200 ng/μl

      Mouse-anti-biotin – positive control for biotinylated samples and anti-mouse IgG detection

      Rabbit-anti-biotin – positive control for biotinylated samples and anti-rabbit IgG detection

      Biotin-BSA – biotinylated BSA, positive control for streptavidin detection

      BSA – Bovine serum albumin, negative control

      Buffer – printing buffer only, negative control

      Mouse IgM – positive control for anti-mouse-IgM detection




H1 – 组蛋白H1

H2 (A+B) – 组蛋白H2AH2B的混合物

H3 – 组蛋白H3

H4 – 组蛋白H4(所有组蛋白都是非特异性结合蛋白,用作各种检测的阳性对照。)

IgG 488/594 – Alexa Fluor 488/594 标记的IgG、阳性对照和标志物,用于在 488/594 通道中进行荧光检测。

IgG 555/647 – Alexa Fluor 555/647标记的IgG、阳性对照和标志物,用于532/635通道中的荧光检测。

GST10n – 10 ng/μL的谷胱甘肽S-转移酶(GST蛋白质)

GST50n – 50 ng/μLGST

GST100n – 100 ng/μLGST

GST200n – 200 ng/μLGST

鼠抗生物素 生物素化样品和抗小鼠IgG检测的阳性对照

兔抗生物素 生物素化样品和抗兔IgG检测的阳性对照

生物素-BSA – 生物素化的BSA,链霉亲和素检测的阳性对照

BSA – 牛血清白蛋白,阴性对照

缓冲液 只有点样缓冲液,阴性对照

小鼠IgM – 抗小鼠IgM检测的阳性对照


Q: Are there reference spots (landmarks), such as GFP, that are spotted regularly on the arrays?

A: There is one row of control spots at the bottom of each block, including Alexa Fluor 555/647 fluorescence as landmarks, but no GFP.



答:每个block的底部有一排对照点,包括Alexa Fluor 555/647荧光作为标志点,但没有GFP



HuProt Data Analysis

HuProt 数据分析


Q: What scanner should I use to analyse the array data?

A: The HuProt array is entirely compatible with a range of array scanners. At CDI Labs we employ a GenePix scanner and software for in-house testing services. Yes, we do supply a .gal file for each lot of our arrays, for data generation.



答:HuProt芯片与一系列芯片扫描仪完全兼容。在CDI实验室,我们使用 GenePix扫描仪和软件进行内部测试服务。我们为每批芯片都会提供一个.gal文件,用于数据分析。


Q: Is there a general analysis methodology, with best practices, for analyzing HuProt microarray data?

A: We analyze scanned array images using GenePix Pro software to get a raw data file (.gpr files). The Z-score of each spot on the array is calculated according to this algorithm: α= Foreground (sample channel), e.g. F635 z = [α – α(avg)] / α(std) , α(avg) and α(std) are the average and standard deviation of α values of all spots on the array.  A protein is considered as positive (positive hit) if the average Z-score of its duplicate spots is > 3.



答:我们用GenePix Pro软件分析扫描的芯片图像以获取原始数据文件(.gpr文件)。芯片上每个点的Z分数根据以下算法计算:α = 前景(样本通道),例如F635 z = [α – α(avg)] / α(std)α(avg)α(std)是芯片上所有点的α值的平均值和标准偏差。如果蛋白质重复点的平均Z>3,则该蛋白质被视为阳性(阳性点)。


Q: What are the best normalization practices?

A: The algorithm above uses the average signal intensity of all spots on the array for normalization.





Q: Aside from the GenePix Pro software, are there other useful software analysis programs?

A: CDI Labs finds that GenePix Pro is the best software for analysis. We only use the Z-score of the average normalized signal intensity to rank hits.


问:除了GenePix Pro软件,还有其他可用的分析程序吗?

答:CDI Labs认为GenePix Pro是最好的分析软件,我们只使用平均归一化信号强度的Z分数来对阳性点进行排序。


Q: In the Z-score algorithm, how is the average alpha value calculated? Is this the average of duplicates for a protein feature?

A: The average alpha value is of all the spots on a given array.





Q: There is an output function in the .gpr file that lists the signal-to-noise (SNR) for both channels. This is similar to the Z-score you mentioned. Is this what you are calling the Z-score, and why is the “positive hit” threshold set at >3?

A: No. We use the algorithm described above to calculate the average Z-score but not the SNR in the .gpr file.





Q: What can we expect for detection sensitivity? At what Kd can we expect resilient detection, and at what Kd range does detection drop off?

A: For protein-DNA interactions the affinity is ~ 500 nM. For protein-protein interactions the affinity can be as low as 1 μM. We have also tested many antibodies with affinities ranging from 500 nM to 0.1 nM. We have not systematically defined the Kd range at which detection drops off.



答:对于蛋白质-DNA相互作用,亲和力约为500 nM,对于蛋白质-蛋白质相互作用,亲和力可低至1 μM。我们还测试了许多亲和力从500 nM0.1 nM的抗体。我们还没有系统地定义检测率下降的Kd范围。


Q: Is there an internal standard for protein-protein interactions to account for potential false negatives?

A: The HuProt array does not include internal standards specific to PPI, but histones are used as positive controls for most applications, including protein-protein interactions. HuProt array is a discovery tool and we have always find dozens, if not hundreds, of positive hits on HuProt – false negatives are not considered a significant issue.






GST Staining & Gridding

GST 染色和网格化


Q: I would like to co-stain the array with labeled anti-GST antibody when we add our antibody of interest. What anti-GST concentration do you recommend if I use 1.0 μg/mL of our antibody of interest?

A: We recommend adding only 0.1 μg/ml of anti-GST to minimize the competition between anti-GST and the mAb (sample) that is being tested. While this will result in weak GST signals, these are strong enough for grid alignment. If you wish to see strong GST signals, you may use 0.5-1.0 μg/ml of anti-GST antibody; however, we have observed a few cases where the secondary antibody cross-reacted with the anti-GST antibody, which resulted in similar signal patterns in the sample channel and the GST channel. If you are familiar with the grid alignment, we encourage you to run the sample mAb only (without anti-GST), or re-probe the array with anti-GST after scanning your antibody signals.


问:在使用我们感兴趣的抗体时,还想用标记的抗GST抗体对芯片进行共染色。如果我感兴趣的抗体浓度是1.0 μg/mL,推荐抗GST浓度是多少?

答:我们建议仅加入0.1 μg/mL的抗GST抗体,以减少抗GST与正在测试的 mAb(样品)之间的竞争。虽然这会导致GST信号较弱,但这些信号对于网格对齐来说已经足够强了。如果您希望看到强烈的GST信号,可以用0.5-1.0 μg/mL的抗GST抗体;然而,我们观察到了一些二抗与抗GST抗体发生交叉反应的情况,这导致样品通道和GST通道中的信号模式相似。如果您熟悉网格对齐,我们鼓励您仅使用样品mAb(不使用抗GST),或在扫描抗体信号后再用抗GST抗体探测芯片。


Q: What are the units for the GST controls (i.e. GST10n)? What is “n” ?

A: The “n” is ng/μl.





Q: Can the GST control information be used to analyze microarray data in regard to the other protein spots (both the anti-GST signal channel and signals from our protein of interest)?

A: No. The anti-GST information is used to facilitate grid alignment prior to data analysis, but is not used for QC or for normalization of the array data. Our tests using this approach found that many spots with very low GST signals are amplified, so we do not recommend GST normalization for array data analysis (please refer to the list of landmarks above).





Q: If we don’t observe anti-GST signals at all positions on the microarray, what does this mean? Was there not enough anti-GST present? Or was the protein not printed on that spot?

A: The anti-GST antibodies are added only to facilitate grid alignment, therefore only a very low concentration of anti-GST antibody is added (1:10,000 dilution). This minimizes the competition between the anti-GST antibodies and the actual sample being studied. As a result, the GST signals may appear weak or even invisible on some spots. Please note that not all controls contain a GST tag (please refer to the list of landmarks listed).





Q: Your protocol specifies re-probing with anti-GST to establish the reference grid. Should I strip off the first label before adding the second probe? May I probe the array with anti-GST and my primary antibody at the same time, followed by both secondary antibodies at the same time? This would let me simultaneously scan both antibodies and save processing time.

A: No, there is no need to strip away the first antibody before re-probing with anti-GST. As long as there are no concerns that the anti-GST could interfere with the primary antibody, you may add both probes simultaneously to the array, and then add the different secondary antibodies simultaneously to detect hits.





Q: Where can I obtain an image of a good quality anti-GST array stain, to compare to our results? What were the staining conditions?

A: GST images are available for each batch printed, and can be downloaded from the CDI website Resources page. ( Typically, we use a 1:2,000 dilution of rabbit anti-GST as the primary antibody, and an Alexa555-anti-Rabbit as the secondary antibody. The blocking buffer is PBS-T with 5% BSA, and the staining protocol used is as stipulated in the users’ manual.



答:每批点制芯片的GST图像都可用,并且可以从CDI网站资源页面下载。(。通常我们使用1:2000稀释的兔抗GST作为一抗,使用Alexa 555抗兔作为二抗。封闭缓冲液为含5% BSAPBS-T,所用染色流程按用户手册规定来操作。



Antibody Specificity and Cross-Reactivity Testing



Q: What concentration is needed for Monoclonal Antibody (mAb) Specificity Testing on the HuProt array?

A: To test mAb specifity, a concentration of 0.1 – 1.0 μg/ml (depending on the mAb affinity) is recommended.



答:为了测试mAb特异性,建议使用0.1 – 1.0 μg/mL的浓度(取决于mAb亲和力)。


Q: What concentration of mAb do I use to see if it cross-reacts with other proteins on the array other than the antigen?

A: To test the cross-reactivity of your mAb against other proteins on the array, increase the mAb concentration in your assay to 10 μg/ml.



答:要测试您的mAb与芯片上其他蛋白质的交叉反应,请将您的mAb浓度增加到10 μg/mL


Q: How many monoclonal antibodies can I test on each array for cross-reactivity? Can the arrays be used more than once? How about competition studies?

A: We recommend that each array is used only once for cross-reactivity testing, as the printed proteins will denature during the drying process done prior to scanning.  For competition studies, you may add 2 mAbs at the same time to one array (0.1 – 1.0 μg/ml of each mAb).



答:建议每个芯片仅用于交叉反应测试一次,因为点制的蛋白质芯片在扫描前的干燥过程中会变性。对于竞争研究,您可以同时将2mAb加入到一个芯片中(每个mAb 0.1 – 1.0 μg/mL)。


Q: For antibody cross-reactivity testing, when should I add anti-GST antibodies for grid alignment, and which scanner wavelength should I use for anti-GST staining?

A: For analyses using one mAb sample per array, to view the anti-GST staining use a wavelength different from that used to stain your mAb. There are two ways to do this:

1.    Add the anti-GST antibodies and mAb sample to the array at the same time (not recommended).

2.    To prevent the anti-GST antibody from competing with your sample mAb or cross-reacting with the secondary antibody, first perform the assay using your sample mAb and then scan the array (most protein spots will not be visible). Next, add the anti-GST antibodies to the array, and then apply the grid pattern to the mAb image. The GST signals will be weak as low concentrations of anti-GST are used.




<!--[if !supportLists]-->1.    <!--[endif]-->同时将抗GST抗体和mAb抗体与芯片孵育(不推荐)。

<!--[if !supportLists]-->2.    <!--[endif]-->为防止抗GST抗体与样品mAb竞争或与二抗发生交叉反应,首先用样品mAb进行检测,然后扫描芯片(大多数蛋白质斑点不可见)。接下来,将抗GST抗体加入到芯片上,然后将网格图案应用于mAb图像。由于使用低浓度的抗GST抗体,GST信号会很弱。



Serum Profiling



Q: How much serum should I send to CDI?

A: Please send 50 μL of frozen serum per sample for analysis, preferably on dry ice. As repeating freezing and thawing may affect assay results, please divide the samples into two aliquots, in case test dilutions or a repeat of the assay are needed.



答:每份样品提供50 μL冷冻血清进行分析,最好干冰运输。由于反复冻融可能会影响检测结果,请将样品分成两等份,以便于需要稀释或重复检测。


Q: What dilution of serum do you usually use for serum profiling?

A: We typically use a 1:500 or 1:1000 dilution to ensure that the background is low.




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